“We supply our customers with the highest quality product, free of contaminants and safe for consumption”
Select-A-Salad was started by Michael Ham & Judy Ham in 1999. The company is a Closed Corporation (CC), in the Gauteng province under registration number: 1999/057672/23. The company currently employs over 100 people.
Select-A-Salads’ management team has direct knowledge of the industry, extensive research experience, and professional administration skills. The team tailors to the needs of the corporate or individual client and provides various tasks and roles where needed.
As Johannesburg’s leading fresh produce supplier Select-A-Salad are all about growing and sourcing the finest fresh produce, nurturing supply and demand synergies and creating valued trade relationships.
Select-A-Salads’ core business is pre-cut, chopped or diced fresh produce supplied to food manufacturers across the world. They also subsequently secured contracts with several large food manufacturers and airline caterers, and also provide several bakeries with ingredients such as grated carrots, banana pulp or sliced apples.
- Quality will be maintained by satisfying all our customers needs and safety.
- Controlling product flow from our suppliers to our customers (checking and controlling every step).
- Continuously increasing quality awareness and communication with our staff.
is pre-cut, chopped or diced fresh produce supplied to food manufacturers across the world. We also subsequently secured contracts with several large food manufacturers and airline caterers, and also provide several bakeries with ingredients such as grated carrots, banana pulp or sliced apples.
We, at Select-a-Salad, are very particular with our manufacturing process and adhere to a strict hygiene programme namely
We have selected hi-tech machinery to facilitate automation. We are able to dice tons of onions per hour. High volumes is a priority but not at the expense of job creation. Our staff are of the utmost importance in the smooth running of our operation and their job satisfaction is always a priority.
Select a salad is a Level 4 BEE (Black Economic Empowerment) contributor and has a dynamic and hands on approach to pro-actively improve their rating by vitue of employment equity (SENIOR MANAGEMENT REPRESENTATION SKILLS DEVELOPMENT). The company is rated by an accreditate agency namely BEESCORE and facilitated with regards to human relations and career development by Intellect Labour Advisors (PTY) LTD.
For further information on our services and products, please do not hesitate to call us. We are readily available to assist you.