Receiving Process

Upon stock arriving at the plant, stringent control and checks are taken, stock is off loaded from the trucks before it enters the receiving, a visual quality check is done, products such as butternut, carrots and potatoes are checked with a refractometer to check that the sugar and starch content is correct, if not it is rejected. Once the quality check is done the product is brought into the receiving area, where it is weighed to make sure that the yield of the product is correct when it Receiving processgoes through for production. The stock is then taken and stored in the receiving chiller where it is either decanted onto plastic pallets or into plastic sanitized lugs.

The stock is then taken through into the holding chiller which has been segregated, the palletized stock in boxes and bags is stored on the one side and the decanted stock in lugs is stored on the other side, the decanted stock is stored on the same side that the peeled product is kept on.

The receiving chiller can hold in excess of 60 pallets and the holding chiller can hold in excess of 30 pallets, packed with the regulated spacing in between each pallet as per the HACCP criteria.

All product is batch coded upon arrival once it has passed the quality checks for traceability (in the event of a product being in order upon arrival but may encounter any problems with it during production that supplier/farmers name is documented and put on their blacklist whereby they avoid buying that suppliers/farmers stock again).The batch number of the stock is kept for the item from the start of production until the end product and delivered to their customers with a sticker demarcating the production date, expiry date, product description , weight and batch code. The same details are documented in Select-A-Salads’ traceability book where they can reference back at any time if there is ever a problem with the product to find the history of the product in order to pin point the problem on the NCR (non-conformance report).

The traceability system also runs through the production and is monitored by the quality controller ie: temperature during production, staff members name doing the production as well as the date and the time, control sheet PRP QC 52.

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